Cafe Creativity Nooks
The perfect space for focus and creativity when you are deliberately looking for a spot in a cafe! These types of spaces are what I'm affectionately naming my cafe creativity nooks.

What are they?
The perfect space for focus and creativity when you are deliberately looking for a spot in a cafe! These types of spaces are what I'm affectionately naming cafe creativity nooks. These are spaces I am excited to share as a beginner writer and they've allowed me to zone in and deliberately practice my story telling PLUS enjoy some amazing coffee. So here I am again past midnight editing, re-editing, scrapping, and re-editing this post to put out into the world these spots which might help you on your journey to be a better whatever you want to be!
I love coffee. Especially when it's made using quality beans, freshly ground, tamped with care and precision, and then transformed into liquid black gold that drips and flows silkily. Not one that spurts or spits, hinting at some lack of care or attention. And finally, the temperature at which the cup hits the table is one the final tell-tale signs I use to see how much skill or care the barista places into this one cup. I'm a coffee snob at heart, but a fun and happy one (see photo below).
I love cafes. They are spaces where it contains great vibes from the flow of people, aromas of medium to dark roasted beans, and novel decor. I'm always exploring and searching for new cafes when I travel, most mornings or whenever I have a free stretch of time. I look forward to trying new coffee and also soaking in a new location. Over time I've built up a mental list of cafes that I've been to and I find such joy in deliberately heading to a cafe and spending time there. The places I will share, aren't places intended for takeaway coffee.
I love nooks. Nothing beats the feeling of discovering what feels like a secret spot hiding in plain sight. What's more, is that these cafe finds are serendipitous and it feels like the seat you find is the only spot left in a cafe. But when you take that seat and once the coffee hits the table, it's like everything around you just disappears. It's magic, you feel like the only person in the space and feel like what's in front of you is all that matters.

But there's a catch, these awesome cafe creativity nooks don't work without a key ingredient. You must deliberately focus and use the time to further what's important to you. Not just be distracted by the stream of people's life highlights on social media or be swept away into building other people's dreams. I wholeheartedly share this post to share these awesome locations so you too can benefit.
But of course if you just love coffee then these posts are also for you!
Finding and sharing cafe creativity nooks with you!
As I continue to find these awesome spots for focus, I will be writing about these cafe creativity nooks with you!
I already have started capturing details of a cafe that I've frequented for many years but only recently took the time to be very present and see the hidden spot that truly was in plain sight. It's now a regular spot I go to and I even have a coffee tab setup and my favourite writing desk.
You'll have to stick around for that post as I'll be dedicating a single blog post for each cafe and take you there with me.
But for now, here's a sneak peek of the cafe I'll be writing about first!

If you have any cafe suggestions I should check out please reach out to me at