Time is Everything
This is a poem to celebrate the finitude of our lives and the time we are gifted. It explores in brief the various facets that time presents us and the choices we get to make.

Time is magical,
Magical like nothing else.
It can give you it all
Or be your final breath.
Time always moves,
Moving from present to past.
For some this soothes,
knowing nothing will last.
Time is malleable,
Malleable to those who care.
Moves like light for a fool,
But slows for those who stare.
Time is experience,
Experiences we cherish.
Don't treat it as currency,
And hoard it before you perish.
Time can't be made,
Making people prioritise
The matters which cannot wait,
At the mercy of tomorrow's lies.
Time is not spent,
Spending hints control.
So don't dwell on where you went
Be here, now, as time unfolds.