Life in Pictures - Oct 2023

October was both the longest and shortest months of the year. A mix of loss, illness and busyness. Yet I still managed to dig up some photos to nod farewell to the month just gone by.

Life in Pictures - Oct 2023
Meandering to my train home

October was both cut completely short and protracted so much you wanted it to be over sooner than later. A mix of family loss, illness and not being able to get out much, and therefore not many photos this month. Nonetheless I remain grateful for the month in the face of all that has happened.

Yet still I surprised myself to see enough of a collection of photos to pick the ones I feel happy to share. They seemed to have captured the hue of fun and sense of the moment which I forgot about.

So here they are. My longest and shortest month of 2023; Life in Pictures October.

Little Leon playing with his best mate and jumping off a bench.
Capturing the angle from my breakfast table one morning
Looked like culinary chess pieces
One day this will be completely enveloped in nature's grips. It's already begun.
Over exposed but I love framing things with the lush leaves.
Lego flowers to brighten your day?
If not flowers, what about ducks?
A pedestrian kind of day
Keg of fire as we congregated during the mourning
Hot Wheels Collection has begun