
Inspired by the amazing people in my life, this is a celebration of that and a message that goes out to each and every one. I know I don't express this enough but here it is.

A cup of coffee ready and waiting for our next hang!

I've carefully curated words for you,
To say, I'm here. Let's see life through.
Our journey flows like waves, up and down,
But together we'll always have common ground.

Whether or not we see each other weekly,
May our actions and words never be meekly.
Real relationships, we're beyond banter,
So, tell me, what really matters?

Who we are today, it's thanks to us,
Without each other it'll all be dust.
Fibres that you work to weave and sew.
Helps not just you, but also us grow.

As the passage of time moves on steady,
Remember together we're always ready.
To conquer mountains, to slay our fears,
Or have a backyard bbq, with flowing cheers.

In the past, I always focused on competing,
Now I see the truth, instead, we should be cheering
For each other to kick big audacious goals,
There's no other way, now that I know.

Whether it'd be phone call, coffee or text,
Unexpected. Serendipitous. Those are the best.
To feel connection when you least expect,
A priceless gift and moment to connect.

So, I raise my cup to you my dear friend,
Let's keep adventuring, non-stop until the very end.
We must hold true what the eye cannot see,
A friendship, a bond, a story of you and me.