
Come take a moment with me to read a passage from Meditations by Marcus Aurelius and how introspection can help you derive value from within.

A snap of Meditations of Marcus Aurelius

Marcus Aurelius: Introspection

"Look within: do not allow the special quality or worth of any thing pass you by." Marcus Aurelius

This particular quote turns our attention to ourselves and the self within. So often we are preoccupied with external things like rising the ranks in society, seeking higher rewards and trying to grasp at every opportunity we are presented. But we neglect to do the same for what lies within, for this is what can truly transform us.

That what we see externally is knowledge but what we have internalised forms part of who you are and it is wisdom that can lift you. The beauty of this quote is that it points out that we all have something special or of quality within, we just need to pay attention or actively seek it. That these wonderful traits or things can pass us by if we do not spend the energy to notice.

I find this passage increasingly relatable, especially the more I journal, meditate, be present and not be so attached to things. There have been a number of deeply fulfilling moments and none of them had to do with external things like material things, status or wealth. It just required me to be still enough and notice things I have with me and within me daily that brings me joy and a deep sense of gratitude.

When was the last time you just sat quietly with your own thoughts and feelings, and sought to understand yourself beyond the surface level?