Hey Son

A free flow poem that I wrote during a morning journal and thinking about what I'd want to say to both my sons in this moment in time. It's hope mixed in with the journey of being a father.

Hey Son
A snapshot of my son observing the world around him on a family day out

Hey Son

Hey son, what’s good?
You having fun?
Know you're growin' up?
You eating enough to stay strong?
You enjoying being brought into this life?
It's a lot of questions,
But you don’t need to answer mate.
It’s alright.
I hope you learn that questions are
more important than answers.
I hope I can be a good enough dad
to show you everything
I can.
I try to be relaxed about parenthood,
but I know that the stress does come out
in different ways.
I wonder whether my happy go lucky way is to take
pressures or expectations away.
But you know what? Let’s find out
and figure out more questions to ask
along the way.